Rising Sun Exports - 4831 Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki Ku, Yokohama, 2240053
Rising Sun - Chonburi Ban Bueng, Nongsumsak 20170 - Thailand
RISING SUN, 4831 Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki Ku, Yokohama 2240053
A balancing kit for the Nuke Performance Air Jack 90 Competition. Works with 3pc kit and 4pc kit, lets you adjust the airflow to each jack for optimal performance.
A kit of four petcock ball valves for the 8mm air tube that is used with the low-pressure air jacks from Nuke Performance. Easy to install on each air tube that goes to each air jack. Cut the tube in half, put the valve in place, and you can now adjust the airflow for each air jack in your 3pc and 4pc air jack installation.
Used mainly when you experience that one or two air jacks lift the vehicle much faster than the others, or when you need to redirect flow to air jacks that do not want to lift the vehicle in the front or the rear when the other end lifts with ease.
Works only with the Nuke Performance low-pressure Air Jacks 90 Competition with the following part numbers:
Air Jack 90 Competition, 8 BAR / 120 PSI Part # : 590-01-201
Air Jack 90 Competition Complete Set 3pc Part # : 590-01-203
Air Jack 90 Competition Complete Set 4pc Part # : 590-01-204
Quantity : Kit including 4pc ball valves
Rising Sun Exports - 4831 Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki Ku, Yokohama, 2240053
Rising Sun - Chonburi Ban Bueng, Nongsumsak 20170 - Thailand